We train young people from the region in the management of an apiary, we promote the development local production and economy of wild honey and by-products, creating jobs. It is an ecological and sustainable project that emerges from the native forest and preserves its Balance. In addition, it promotes social inclusion and provides training opportunities and jobs in an environment with few or non-existent offers of this type. part of it produced is provided to the boys and girls who have a weekly snack at the Center Nutritional, and another little is sold in the Don Laureano Warehouse, in order to sustain the project, continue reinvesting in materials and spread the programs in the territory.
DONATE NOWNos enfocamos en la capacitación en prácticas culinarias saludables para mejorar la alimentación local y fomentamos la actividad gastronómica productiva y rentable.
Se enfatiza trabajar con la materia prima local, cultivada en la huerta y de recolección como mistol, algarroba y chañar.
Los talleres están destinados al aprendizaje mediante la acción elaborando platos regionales bajo el concepto de gastronomía de km 0 (cocinar con lo que se genera), teniendo en cuenta la estacionalidad. Se pretende reducir el consumo de hidratos de carbono, incorporando legumbres y estimulando la incorporación de buenas prácticas, higiene y cuidados en la cocina.
Guarantee access to safe water for the inhabitants of rural and isolated areas.
- Maintain the services of the Nutritional Center for the provision of water with fixed tanks
for the community of the place and continue the distribution with tanks in the so-called
"mobile water carrier" for families in need and who do not have their own mobility.
- Favor the supply of water to rural schools, for human consumption and garden irrigation.
- Promote the collection of rainwater in the homes of families at social and health risk
- Have a sufficient supply as a palliative measure against future fires forestry.